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Introducing our law firm

Founded in 1981,

A. Yehudayoff & Co. Certified

Public Accountants End-to-end financial services while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and professionalism

Our Firm

A. Yehudayoff & Co. CPA is one of the oldest accounting firms in Jerusalem. The firm was founded in 1981 by CPA, Avi Yehudayoff, and currently has 40 employees. The experience and knowledge we have accumulated over four decades allows us to provide a professional and reliable service to our customers all while emphasizing our in-depth knowledge of the latest regulation, enabling us to broadly address all customer needs and foster proper management and long-term success.


The firm's clients include, among others, public and private companies, partnerships, individuals, non-profit organizations, associations, local authorities, government ministries and other large bodies in the economy.

Our main services

Main Sectors of Activity


Local Authorities

Specializing in the accounting and legal aspect that regulates the activities of local authorities and religious councils. Financial reporting audit services as well as provision of accompanying accountant services that assist in the management, control and supervision of financial management


Government Offices

Our firm provides financial reporting and auditing services to government ministries. Our firm has rich knowledge of government accounting standards and extensive experience working with the Merkava system, to which our firm has remote access.


Non-Profit Organizations and Associations

Our firm has extensive experience in providing audit services and preparing financial reports for various types of non-profit institutions, including associations in the fields of education, religion and welfare. Our firm provides comprehensive support from the incorporation stage and throughout all day-to-day activities while being proficient in the field of taxation and VAT, as well as the latest regulations and regulatory rules


Private and Public Companies

Our firm specializes in providing full accounting services to private and public companies.  Starting with company registration, regular reporting to tax authorities, advice in the field of taxation and business conduct, while paying attention to the latest regulatory updates, as well as providing an ongoing and customized response to the financial issues that arise in the business.


Global Presence

Our firm is part of J.H.I International's network of accountants and business consultants, which helps its companies and clients successfully manage their business locally and internationally through a variety of unique programs and services. This global deployment allows us to provide our customers with a wide range of services no matter where they are located as well as international consulting while coordinating the world of accounting and tax law.

Firms in the network 120+

Countries in the network 55+

Representation sites 161+

Professionals  4500+

צור קשר

Contact Us

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For any inquiries you can call or send an email

 02-6529999 |

Our address

68 Kanfei Nesharim St., Jerusalem, 2nd floor P.O. 43133, Zip Code 91430

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